
node72 is an experimental city guide that offers the essence of a city in 72 hours - available for Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai.

Unlike other city guides, node72 believes that a city’s character is made up of key experiences, moments and places, rather than well-known hot spots or instagram moments. You just need to know where to look. 

The guides are free from sponsorship or commercial bias: the only criteria that binds the node72 selection is that the experience you have there will truly express the city.

Users can explore sleeping, eating, shopping, drinking, going out, buildings or experiences sections through our simple visual interface. An audio phrasebook, minibreak guide, recommendations for reading and films, and a selection of local ‘faces’ also provide a richer understanding of each city. We also provide thoughts on where not to go, as well as a ‘shuffle me’ option to create a random itinerary. All content can be accessed offline, including maps.

node72 was published between 2008 and 2016.

Ben Masterton-Smith, Kalo Chu

© Tom Butler 2022